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A basic macronutrient breakdown including the following:


  • Macro split (Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats) in accordance to your aims/goals - i.e. weight loss, weight gain (clean bulk); or weight maintenance. 

  • The split will take into account your daily eating habits in relation to meals per day. Further taking into account your personal schedule (work, university, family life etc). This will be planned at your discretion. 

  • You will also receive guidance on the correct type of macronutrients you should be consuming i.e. complex carbohydrates, healthy fats and ideal sources of protein (vegetarian/vegan options available).

  • Adjustments made accordingly - i.e. increasing or decreasing a specific macronutrient/ timing of ingestion.

  • Peri-workout (meals consumed pre, during and post training) guidance also included.


Your custom tailored nutrition plan will be based around your personal goals. A primary evaluation of your current body composition will be required in order to assess your (body fat % and lean mass: fat-free mass ratio). This will allow your new macronutrient split to aid your desired goals (short-term or long-term).

In addition, an assessment of your current diet will also be required in order to evaluate your culinary habits:


  • ​This nutrition plan will be individually designed in accordance to your: daily eating habits; intolerances & allergies and dietary preferences: vegetarian or vegan.

  • Meals are individually planned for your convenience; including cooking instructions and the precise weight required. 

  • Macro split (Protein, Carbohydrates and Fats) in accordance to your aims/goals - i.e. weight loss, weight gain (clean bulk); or weight maintenance. 

  • The split will take into account your daily eating habits in relation to meals per day. Further taking into account your personal schedule (work, university, family life etc). This will be planned at your discretion. 

  • Peri-workout (meals consumed prior, during and post training) will be included - this will be based around your daily schedule.

  • Adjustments made accordingly - i.e. increasing or decreasing a specific macronutrient/ timing of ingestion.

  • You will receive support 7 days after receiving your plan in order to ensure your macro spilt and ingestion timing is correct.


For further information, please get in touch via the contact section located below. 


Thank you.

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