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This package includes both training and nutrition programmes that compliment one another. Each programme is tailored to fit your individuals goals: be it for lifestyle purposes or fitness-related goals such as competitive bodybuilding.


You will receive bi-weekly check-ins whereby your diet, training, visuals and overall health will be assessed and amended accordingly in order to ensure you are on the right path to achieve your goals.  



This will involve payments of £100pcm on the same date each month. Your monthly coaching will include bi-weekly check-ins dependent on the client's needs (days to be selected that are most convenient for you, before 10am). This will ensure I can get plan amendments out to everyone on time for the start of the day and the rest of the week.


What do check-ins involve?

  • Check-ins will involve bi-weekly check-ins: photos from each angle (front, back and profile of each side) and or videos - along with weight and measurements. 

  • Please report energy levels, mood, strength and general well-being as this is a good indication as to whether your nutrition and or training is working well for you.  




This will involve payments of £60pcm on the same date each month. Your monthly coaching will include weekly check-ins (Monday or Friday before 10am). This will ensure I can get plans/amendments out to everyone on time for the start of the day/rest of the week.


What do check-ins involve?

  • Check-ins will involve weekly check-ins:photos from each angle (front, back and profile of each side) and or videos - along with weight and measurements. 

  • Please report energy levels, mood, strength and general well-being as this is a good indication as to whether your nutrition plan is working well for you.


This package includes both training and nutrition programmes that compliment one another for competition preparation. Each programme is tailored to fit YOU and will be adjusted and amended to bring your best package to stage.


You will receive bi-weekly and/or multiple check-ins as we progress through the weeks. Your diet, training and cardiovascular protocols will be adjusted accordingly. 

This will involve payments of £120pcm on the same date each month. Your monthly coaching will include bi-weekly check-ins (Monday and Friday before 10am). Check-ins will increase the closer you get to competition and you have 24/7 access via Whatsapp or email. This will ensure I can get plans/amendments out to everyone on time for the start of the day/rest of the week.


What do check-ins involve?

  • Check-ins will involve bi-weekly/multiple check-ins: photos from each angle (front, back and profile of each side) and or videos - along with weight and measurements. 

  • Please report energy levels, mood, strength and general well-being as this is a good indication as to whether your nutrition and or training is working well for you.


Plan breakdown:

  1. Diet: macronutirent split and meal plan - adjustments made accordingly throughout prep. Meal plans will be devised according to your preferences i.e. intolerances, allergies, preferences - likes and dislikes, vegeterian and vegan options available. 

  2. Training: individually tailored training plans throughout your prep: adjustments of intensity and volume will be made accordingly.

  3. Bi-weekly check-ins and/or multiple check-ins per week to evaluate progress (described above). This allows for essential adjustments to be made in relation to your body's response to your nutrition and training protocols:  amendments to training intensity and volume; supplement guidance; and overall support.

  4. 24/7 communication available - Deborah deems around the clock support vital, especially during contest prep. Minor issues can potentially pose major set-backs and regress your hard work - affecting your odds of meeting your goals and the difference between winning or placing.

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